SEA-EU long-term Research Plan

The Université of Bretagne Occidentale is in charge of Workpackage 6 of the ReSEArch-EU project, dedicated to Designing and Developping a Long-Term research plan for the alliance.

The tasks within this workpackage include:

A comprehensive landscape of the field of excellence of SEA-EU member universities.

The goal is to produce an analysis of the research resources of the Alliance, based on outputs from SEA-EU as well as a bibliometric analysis of the publications from each member, an analysis of theses defended and conferences hosted in the 6 universities in the last 5 years, a benchmark of research projects taking place in each member university which are funded by European FP Horizon2020, and an analysis of the Regional Smart Specialisation Strategy of the 6 regions in which the universities are located.

This overview will reflect the Alliances’ research activity, its human resources and platform potential, and identify its main strengths.

Matching research resources and societal challenges

This task will lead to a comprehensive compendium of global issues. This work will be undertaken while paying particular attention to the goals of the European Green Deal, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon-Europe.

A Digest paper on the main issues identified under the afore mentioned goals and programme will be produced, presenting challenges on mid- and long-term perspective. Following this paper, a survey will be proposed to question Principal Investigators of all Research Units of the Alliance as well as members of the Migration and Human Rights observatory and the Sustainable Blue Growth observatory to know how they position themselves on each issue.

Designing a SEA-EU common long-term research plan

Following the overview of the Alliances’ strengths and the matching of its resources with societal challenges, a Task Force of key research player will be created to work on defining a prioritised long-term research strategy.

This Long-term (10 years) Global Research Plan will build on the think-tank activities developed in other workpackages and the added value of respective research infrastructure as well as be in accordance with Anti-fragility principles, Sustainability of R&I and Open science commitments. It will consider academic actors, associated partners, partners from other Alliance and other stakeholders. Finally, it will contain a planning tool where additional funding opportunities will be identified in relation to Horizon Europe call programmes and will seek to identify synergies with the European Structural and Investment Funds as well as Erasmus calls.