Agnieszka Szmelter-Jarosz (University of Gdansk)

Micromobility and sharing economy – the rescue for urban logistics?
Today urban logistics has to solve many problems – the results of a growing population, number of cars, and urban sprawl. Limited urban space must enable addressing the needs of city users: residents, tourists, and commuters. On the other hand, car enthusiasm and car culture hinder the optimisation of city functioning. Sharing economy by offering to share the resources (e.g. cars within shared mobility) and micromobility, delivering small vehicles for individual mobility, can help solve the urban logistics problems while addressing the needs of city users. The models of sharing and ownership can be different, and from this point of view, shared micromobility is the best solution. However, taking into consideration the different needs of travellers, every kind of sharing vehicles can help improve the flows of people and goods within urban and suburban areas. The presentation will show the main areas of their use, benefits, opportunities, weaknesses and threats for today’s offer of micromobility and shared mobility.
About her:
Assistant professor at the University of Gdańsk (UG) (2012) and member of the Department of Logistics. Her research activity has been developed in the area of automotive logistics, mobility services and urban logistics and mobility. She is an author and co-author of over 70 books and research articles, including JCR journal articles (h-index 11, citations: 456). She accumulated seven months as a principal investigator in the National Science Center project about micromobility and sharing economy in urban logistics. Her experience has allowed her to participate in a few HORIZON 2020 projects and many more, on a national level. She is currently cooperating with researchers from other countries: Italy, Iran, the USA, Hungary, Germany, and Austria. She wants to develop her research contacts and integrate more with others from SEA-EU member institutions.