Dr. Damian Moskalewicz – SEA EU Talent – Coastal Management
SEA EU Talent Comunication

Presentation title: To be or not to be? (flooded) – Can we support coastal management with geological experience?
Instrumental measurements, logs and chronicles related to storm surges usually do not cover the timespan of the coastal history. On the contrary, they represent a small piece of reality, which is used in coastal management policy. Such an approach usually excludes extreme natural hazards that occurred in the geological past. These events are a present-day and future underestimated threat to the coastal communities. The current research aims to find a solution to integrate geological, meteorological, and oceanographic data to improve coastal hazard assessment. The research is conducted at the barriers and coastal wetlands of a semi-enclosed, nearly tideless basin in the mid-latitudes zone – the Baltic Sea. Researchers use innovative methods (multibeam echosounder, unmanned aerial vehicle, sediment monitoring, modelling) to expand the knowledge on the formation of storm deposits and build the bridge to more detailed reconstruction of palaeostorms based on sedimentary records covering a period of hundreds to thousands of years of coastal history.
Related to project funded by NCN: Improving coastal hazard assessment by the linkage between storm-induced landforms, sedimentary record and instrumental measurements – STORMLINK
Damian Moskalewicz Short CV
Moskalewicz Damian PhD – Early career researcher and lecturer at the Faculty of Oceanography and Geography at the University of Gdańsk.
PhD in Earth Sciences (University of Gdańsk), MSc in geology (Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań) and geography (University of Gdańsk), engineer of computer science (Gdańsk University of Technology). Current research focuses on sedimentary records of extreme storm surges in the coastal zone and reconstructing past environments.
Principal investigator or co-investigator in several externally funded projects. An active member of a few scientific associations.
Contact: damian.moskalewicz@ug.edu.pl