Daniel Manzoni-de-Almeida (University of Western Brittany)

The importance of teacher education engaged in citizen science for the challenges of the 21st century
The beginning of the 21st century is already marked by an increase in environmental problems, desolate migration of peoples across the planet, the frightening pandemic of covid-19 and wars around the world. We live in a contradictory moment where we are in a society of information and on the other hand there is a growing movement of disinformation and hatred such as anti-knowledge, anti-science and anti-politics. It is urgent that education processes are rethought as possible ways of strengthening democracy, solidarity, equality, diversity, fraternity, and citizenship in the world. Teachers are recognized as important agents for the transformation of lives and societies. How can teachers be the protagonist actors of educational processes, especially in science, in the 21st century? In his speech he will bring, via examples of projects that he is involved in, the importance of rescuing the exercise of authorial work, of concretizing and disseminating teachers’ ideas as a way to perspective a citizen science in favor of important scientific, humanitarian, social and political values in the world.
About him:
Researcher, teacher and writer
Graduated in Biological Sciences, Philosophy and Letters. Master’s and Doctorate in Sciences. Also, a PhD in literary theory.
Program BIENVINUE [HETEaching – Health Education Teaching] project at Centre de Recherche sur l’education, les apprentissages et la didactique (CREAD), Institut Nacional Supérieus du Professorat et de l’éducation (INSPE) da Université de Bretagne Occidentale (UBO)
His interests are: science teaching and human rights; health and science education; teacher education; teaching and citizen science.