EMODnet Ingestion 3 kick-off meeting
The University of Malta is a partner in the EMODnet Ingestion project. This project aims to encourage data providers to submit their data to EMODnet, where it can be processed to international standards, and published as open data, thereby contributing to applications for society. The kick off meeting for the third iteration of this project was held in Athens on 16th-17th June 2022, and was attended by Dr. Adam Gauci and Mrs. Audrey Zammit.
Presentation Highlights
During the presentation, Audrey Zammit highlighted the contribution that the University of Malta has
made and plans to make towards the EMODnet Ingestion project. Part of the intervention was dedicated
to the SEA-EU and reSEArch-EU. In particular, the aims of SEA-EU to establish a common Open Science
and Open Research Data Policy within all members of the Alliance were presented to the data centre
representatives there.
Engagement and Outreach
The meeting was attended by representatives from 46 organisations hailing from 29 coastal countries.
Some of the participants followed the proceedings remotely. An article about this meeting was published
on Newspoint, the official news portal of the University of Malta.
EMODnet Ingestion and reSEArch-EU share the similar objectives in terms of open data. Hence, there was
a lot of interest in the activities of reSEArch-EU, especially by those partners who come from the same
cities or countries as the SEA-EU member universities.

EMODnet Ingestion 3 kick-off meeting