Javier García Sanabria (University of Cadiz)

Javier García Sanabria is an international Phd on sciences and member of the Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Research Group of the University of Cadiz since 2007. His research is focused on governance, marine spatial planning (MSP) and ICZM. He is a member of the Social Sustainable Development Research Institute (INDESS). He has organized several phd courses, workshops and international seminars. Javier is a Founder member of the International ICZM network called IBERMAR, which is formed by more than 17 countries. He is author of several international scientific publications and has large experience on project development at different scales of management. He is a lecturer on ICZM and MSP in seven master’s degrees and a member of Tourism phd Commission and ICZM Master Degree Academic commission.