Karol Kłodziński (University of Gdansk)

Epigraphy in Mustis (El Krib, Tunisia). A History of the Roman City in the Light of Latin Inscriptions
This research project is concentrated on epigraphical research in the ancient Roman town Mustis (Henchir el Mest in Tunisia), which lay along the main road from Carthage to Theveste, approximately 12 km from Thugga (Dougga) and around 120 km from Carthage. Since 2019 I am a member of the Tunisian-Polish Archaeological Project. The surveys were authorized by the Tunisian National Heritage Institute (INP) and co-organized with the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw. Together with Dr. Mohammed Abid (University of Manouba), we are preparing of catalog of Latin Inscriptions from Mustis. The last result of our cooperation is the paper published in “Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik” in 2021.
About him:
Karol Kłodziński, Assistant Professor in the Department of Ancient History at the University of Gdansk. I am specialized in Latin Epigraphy, Administration of the Roman Empire, History of Roman Provinces (especially Proconsular Africa during Principate), History of Historiography, and Methodology of History. I published my papers e.g. in Pallas. Revue d’Études Antiques, Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, and Klio. Beiträge zur Alten Geschichte.
ORCID: 0000-0002-4625-2874
Scopus ID: 57210160641