Open Science at UG – site visit in Naples
OSA- dr Katarzyna Świerk
Time – 16.10 – 19.10.2023
Place – University in Naples Parthenope
Participants – Head of Science and Project Office, Rector’s delegates, representatives
of Library and researchers involved in project
The joint activities of the Open Science Ambassadors within the 6 universities affiliated to the SeaEU coalition include disseminating open access principles, building a common openness policy and sharing experiences. New partners have also joined the SeaEU coalition, including the University of Naples Parthenope. The purpose of the site visit was to present existing Open Science solutions and activities. The meetings were attended by representatives of the Project Office, the Office of Science and
Internationalization and people (Rektor delegates) responsible for depositing materials in the repository and disseminating research results. As one of the elements of the meetings was a discussion of the principles and use of two common databases – Research Potential and Infrastructure. Participants discussed the principles for creating research plans and reporting at institutional and national levels in Poland and Italy. It is important to note that both systems are similar and use similar operational arrangements – the national reporting system. It is encouraging that there is a growing awareness of open publishing among researchers. However, there is also great concern about unethical publishing practices and the growing market for predatory publishing. The fruitful discussion confirmed the fact that there is an ongoing need to remind ourselves of the basics of open science, which we will continue to do together with our new partners.