Summary of the Open Science Staff Week Meeting in Cádiz
The reSEArch-Eu project belonging to the European Seas Alliance (SEA EU) held the “Open Science Staff Week” (OSSW) organized by the University of Malta and hosted by the University of Cádiz on March 21 and 22.The event was inaugurated by the General Coordinator of SEA-EU Fidel Echevarría, Laura Martín, coordinator of the reSEArch EU project, and the leader of the work package, Professor Godfrey Baldacchino of the University of Malta.

Experts from the different Universities of the Alliance (Malta, Western Brittany, Kiel, Gdańsk, Split and Cádiz) met at the El Olivillo Business Transfer Center, to continue working and shaping a Common Data Management Policy for Open Science.
Regarding Open Science, the reSEArch-UE project, within the framework of the Alliance of Universities, has as main objectives to facilitate the connection of repositories of publications and scientific data between the universities of the consortium; and strengthening the culture of open science among researchers through training activities.

During these two days that the event lasted, work was done on the preparation of a Data Management Policy as a manual for common use among the different Universities of the Alliance, as well as different lines of action were discussed to disseminate and integrate data practices. open science in the respective universities.
The event represents an essential step for the European University of the Seas to become an international example of the adoption of open science practices.