Raelene Galea (University of Malta)

About her
My name is Raelene and I am the Resources Manager at the University of Malta Library. My interest in open science stems from my professional background as a librarian and my inclination towards research. I have been nominated as an Open Science Ambassador for the University of Malta since my main area of research for my MSc thesis was essentially a pre-implementation study about open science, specifically the receptiveness of UM academics for sharing their research data.
About the meaning and value of Open Science
Open Science is the present and future of research. It promotes wider dissemination and accessibility of data, making it easier for researchers to collaborate between each other.
Her expectations for reSEArch-EU
I believe that the aim of having a sub-committee that is more focused on open research can help in building a long-lasting approach towards science and data handling. The merging of expertise and resources from the different partner universities will ensure that the policies and procedures cater for any challenges that may arise.