María Laura Martín Díaz
Professor of Physical Chemistry – University of Cádiz –
INMAR. Marine Research Institute
Coordinator of the Doctoral Program in Management and Conservation of the Sea International Doctoral School of the Sea (EIDEMAR) Campus of International Excellence of the Sea (CEIMAR) http://www.campusdelmar.es/es/escuela-doctoral-eidemar/
reSEArch EU Project Coordinator. Work Package Leader (WP1 and WP 7)
European University of the Seas (SEA-EU)
Contact: laura.martin@aducawp
Website: https://directorio.uca.es/cau/directorio.do?persona=11268
Mariia Iamkovaia
ReSEArch-EU Project manager (UCA)
Contact: manager.researcheu@sea-eu.org
Website: https://researcheu.sea-eu.org/

Beatriz Díaz Garduño
PhD Management and Conservation of the seas – Copywriter
ReSEArch-EU Communication Officer (UCA)
Contact: beatriz.diaz@uca.es
Website: https://researcheu.sea-eu.org/
Igor Jerković
Work Package Leader (WP2) in ReSEArch EU Project from University of Split.
Contact: igor@ktf-split.hr
Website: https://www.ktf.unist.hr/index.php/ozk-3/zok/172-hrvatski/djelatnici/cv/187-cv59

Sylwia Mrozowska
Vice Rector for Co-operation and Development – Professor of the University of Gdańsk (UG)
Work Package Leader (WP3) in ReSEArch EU Project
Contact: sylwia.mrozowska@ug.edu.pl
Website: https://en.ug.edu.pl

Justyna Sikorska
Senior Specialist at the Analysis and Expertise Office of the University of Gdańsk (UG)
Technical Project Manager (UG) in ReSEArch EU Project
Contact: justyna.sikorska@ug.edu.pl
Website: https://en.ug.edu.pl
Christian Wagner-Ahlfs
Coordinator for transdisciplinary research at the
Center for Ocean and Society/ Kiel Marine Science
Kiel University (CAU).
Work Package Leader (WP4) in reSEArch-EU Project.
Contact: cwagnerahlfs@kms.uni-kiel.de
Website: https://oceanandsociety.org/en/team/dr-christian-wagner-ahlfs

Nicole Schmidt
Managing Director bei Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel.
Work Package Leader (WP4) in reSEArch-EU Project.
Contact: nschmidt@kms.uni-kiel.de

Sinje Dübele
Assistance to the office of the University of Kiel (CAU)
Technical Project Manager (CAU) in ReSEArch EU Project
Contact: sduebeler@kms.uni-kiel.de
Website: https://www.uni-kiel.de/en/research/priority-research-areas/kiel-marine-science/contact
Godfrey Baldacchino
Professor of Sociology, University of Malta
Work Package Leader (WP5), Coordinator for University of Malta
Contact: godfrey.baldacchino@um.edu.mt

Aldo Drago
Coordinator of the Physical Oceanography Research Group within the Department of Geosciences in Malta University
Technical Project Manager (UM) in ReSEArch EU Project
Contact: aldo.f.drago@gmail.com
Tristan Montier
Vice Rector for Research and Innovation – Full Professor of Medicine (UBO)
Work Package Leader (WP6) in ReSEArch EU Project
Contact: Tristan.Montier@univ-brest.fr
Website: https://nouveau.univ-brest.fr/

Olivia Lahens
Technical Project Manager (UBO) in ReSEArch EU Project
Contact: olivia.lahens@univ-brest.fr