Ritienne Gauci (University of Malta)

About her
I have been nominated as an OSA for the University of Malta. I am a physical geographer with the Department of Geography and my expertise is mainly in coastal geography, geomorphology, geoheritage and research ethics. I am also a member of the Faculty of Arts Research Ethics Committee.
Meaning and value of Open Science
The inherent values of Open Science are many and surely undeniable: it supports validation, reduces cases of academic misconduct, helps to maximise research impact and provides the foundations for others to build upon. In short, applying open science in the daily workflow is just part of good research practice.
What can we expect from reSEArch-EU?
Firstly, by not adopting a blanket approach to Open Science communication. ‘Alliance’ is the key value that should guide any communication. Energise into honest dialogues with SEA-EU researchers, to fully understand the constraints on the ground to practice open science and to build new trustful partnerships in which challenges are transformed into opportunities.