Wojciech Pokora – UG – SEA-EU TALENT – BLUE GROWTH

SEA EU Talent Comunication – Blue Growth
Hydrogen peroxide as a tool for green algae growth regulation: how it works?
The regulatory role of some reactive oxygen species has been demonstrated in some higher plants and algae, where they are important signals involved in the regulation of growth. Hydrogen peroxide is involved directly with algal cell development as the signal that regulate expression of proteins required for completing the cell cycle. Such regulation seems to relate to the direct interaction of signaling molecules with the redox sensitive transcription factors, but also signaling pathways including MAPK, G-protein and calmodulin. We have shown that the content of NO and H2O2 changes in a characteristic way during the cell cycle of green algae, which implies participation of these molecules in the regulation of algal development. Depending on the phase of the algal cell cycle, externally supplied H2O2, may accelerate or delay the duration of the cell cycle, increase the number of replication rounds occurring in one cell cycle, modify the biomass and cell volume of progeny cells and accelerate the liberation of daughter cells. The creation of a simple tool, such as a precisely established modification of hydrogen peroxide and/or nitric oxide at the cellular level, leading to changes in the ROS-RNS cross-talk network, can be used for optimization of the efficiency of algal cell growth and may be especially important in the context of increasing the role of algal biomass in science and industry.
Wojciech Pokora – short CV
Assistant Professor in The Department of Plant Physiology and Biotechnology,
Faculty of Biology, University of Gdansk.
Wita Stwosza street, 59; 80-308 Gdańsk, Poland.
My research is carried out on a model of single-celled planktonic algae (Desmodesmus, Chlamydomonas), using asynchronous and synchronous cultures to enable studies of cell cycle progression and regulation. I’m focused on the role of the ROS and RNS signaling molecules: hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in the regulation of the green algae cell cycle progression and the role of these molecules in the regulation of the cell’s response to stress induced by anthropogenic originated contaminants, analyzed on physiological and molecular level.
Research career development
2000 – M.sc.; Intercollegiate faculty of Biotechnology, University of Gdansk, Medical University of Gdansk.
2004 – Ph.D; Faculty of Biology, Geography and Oceanology. “The role of superoxide dismutases in the adaptation of Scenedesmus algae to oxidative stress induced by abiotic factors of anthropogenic origin”
2019 – D.Sc; Faculty of Biology, “The importance of hydrogen peroxide in the adaptation of microalgal cells to photosynthetic stress and in the course and regulation of their cell cycle”
Contact: wojciech.pokora@.ug.edu.pl